Monday, January 26, 2009

Fiji time : pinturesque or annoying?

A conversation last weekend with a guy who works at "NZ All Natural Ice Cream":

Me: What time do you close?
Ice Cream Guy: 9 p.m
Me: Every night?
ICG: Yes
Me: What about tonight?
ICG: Tonight? 8:30
-I later realised that my line of questioning is one that could only be asked by someone who has spent an extended amount of time in Fiji-
At 8:15, I arrived back at the ice cream place and was met with a hand-scribbled note on the door: "Back in 5 minutes!". 20 minutes later, we sat waiting still. Two taxis came by and left disappointed as did a group of tourists.
I'll never truly get used to these experiences in Fiji. it "Fiji time" and move on. Sometimes I can. Sometimes, I can't.
"Slow" as "Fiji time" is accepted by most people and can be a quaint part of travel here. "Inefficient" as "Fiji time", is not.
There is a difference between the two and the desirability of Fiji as a destination hangs in the balance. It's definitely one of the biggest challenges the country faces.

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